I'm Jacob Klein, a passionate game developer who enjoys creating unique experiences through video games.


An independent studio founded in Platteville, Wisconsin by Pioneer Game Developer Scott Adams. Shipped The Lost Legends of Redwall: Escape the Gloomer in November of 2018. Released Adventureland XL in December of 2019.
Role: Puzzle Designer, Programmer

Project: Tunnel
A first-person game for 1-4 players, in which each player runs through a unique tunnel of traps, built with procedural generation. Touching too many traps will make you lose a life. The last player remaining wins.
Role: Concept Design, Lead Programmer

Cave of Uncertainty
Created during the week-long Community Game Jam in August 2019. You find yourself in a cave with three doors in front of you, but which door is safe, and which leads to death? Use the clues in the tunnel to deduce which path to take. But be careful! The caves grow more and more complex as you continue.
Role: Concept Design, Programmer

Blitz Brawl
The first complete game I created. It shows...
A local-multiplayer POC game in which each player is given a specific objective, and a very short time to complete it. Winner of "Best Original Concept" in the 2017 UWW MAGD Expo.
Requires 4 Xbox 360 / Xbox One wired Controllers.
Role: Lead Programmer, Original Designer

For Your Eyes Only
A card game I made in high school. A live game that players play over the course of a few days, using cards to attack other players in real-time at any location throughout the day. The game was shown at the UWW MAGD Expo in 2018, and is currently in the process of publication.
Role: Original Creator

The Lineup
A singleplayer crime fiction whodunit with both comedic and serious elements. Sift through tons of information to figure out which of the five suspects planted a bomb in the city. Made in a Game Jam at UW-Whitewater
Role: Main Programmer, Actor, Director

Castle Repair
Made for the 2020 Global Game Jam, this 2-4 player party game has players fighting to be the first one to repair their castle. Play cards to assist you or hinder your opponents each round. Requires Xbox controllers for each player.
Role: Programmer, Designer

The Watcher
A single player horror game made in 48 hours for the first ever UWW Remote Game Jam. You find yourself in Jackson Forest, but you're not alone. The game has reached over 1,000 downloads on Itch.io.
Role: Programmer, Story Writer, Map Designer